For stuff my head can't hold onto...
Yesterday afternoon I found out that the garage I've been paying rent on for 15 months, which had nothing of value in it, got broken into WEEKS ago & has been used as a trash-dump by everyone living near it ever since.
I don't understand why this is so distressing to me: I hadn't visited it for the last FIVE months; the stuff "stolen" consisted mainly of odd scraps left over from DIY jobs and empty containers waiting to be re-cycled into useful storage for things like screws/washers/nails etc. But distressed I am, and paranoid I am too = every little sound is making me jumpy.
I've reported it to the cops, who agreed with me that it's way too late to think of bothering to investigate it.
I've reported it to the Authority that owns the garage & told them I don't want to rent it any more: they asked did I want to go on a Waiting List for a garage nearer home -- at which point I broke down & cried (I'd just been Angry up till then...). At first I said "Yes", but after about an hour the idea of having a garage to store things I don't even look at (let alone use) from one year to the next seemed stupid so I rang to take myself off the list.
What I reeally really don't get is why I feel so distressed...

on Nov 27, 2004
While I don't know you well enough to tell you why, I could make a guess. You've been violated. What was yours, what you felt was safe and secure, was visited by someone else without your consent. Sort of like rape. In any case, I do hope you feel better soon.
on Nov 27, 2004
You've been violated. What was yours, what you felt was safe and secure, was visited by someone else without your consent.

Danny took the words right out of my mouth. It doesn't matter what the "value" of the stolen items were. I am so sorry.
on Dec 09, 2004
Thanx both of you

We moving house now = it upset "the other half" even more than me, refuses to live in this area any more...

Luckily, cousin Andy just moved out of a house owned by cousin Sally -- so we're getting cousin Sally as our new landlord...