For stuff my head can't hold onto...
MsSadie's Articles
November 26, 2004 by MsSadie
Yesterday afternoon I found out that the garage I've been paying rent on for 15 months, which had nothing of value in it, got broken into WEEKS ago & has been used as a trash-dump by everyone living near it ever since. I don't understand why this is so distressing to me: I hadn't visited it for the last FIVE months; the stuff "stolen" consisted mainly of odd scraps left over from DIY jobs and empty containers waiting to be re-cycled into useful storage for things like screws/washers/nails et...
November 22, 2004 by MsSadie
I was just about to leave the site after reading a few threads and admitting in a reply to myself that I'd forgotten how to do anything but "comment" ... and then I saw "creat" button: how blind or how dumb am I? Not that I've got anything worthwhile to say...
October 16, 2004 by MsSadie
A'n't got nowt lying loose in my head just now, will post when I have...